Category Archives: Residential aged care

Hotel-like extra services in aged care

Hotels and aged care homes generally have little in common, although increasingly similar services are emerging in both – including higher standards of accommodation, food and entertainment.As at June 2017, about 230 aged care homes had special government approval to offer extra services and were charging more for about 7500 rooms accordingly. The increased cost for these

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Elder Abuse

​With the increasing proportion of people aged 65 and over, the problem of elder financial abuse is a growing concern. While the full extent in Australia is unknown, conservative estimates suggest at least 10 per cent of older Australians suffer from financial abuse each year. The surprising factor is that their adult children are most

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How to help kids financially without severely impacting your own savings

Family gatherings at this time of year may trigger talk of early inheritance or financial assistance with upcoming expenses. But, as they say on the airlines; fit your own life vest before assisting others. It doesn’t matter whether additional funds are needed to pay for living expenses, school fees or holidays; take the time to

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Five ways to fund aged care

  Placing a parent in an aged care facility can be a distressing time for families. It is not a pleasant experience financially either. Since the federal government introduced aged care reforms in July 2014, collectively families have been forced to find an extra $3 billion a year to move an elderly relative into an

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Starting the aged care conversation

January is when many families confront the need for aged care, after spending time together over Christmas. When Barry Ridge, 87, was diagnosed seven years ago with Lewy body dementia his wife Edith, 87, and family knew that his care needs would steadily increase. For several years they managed in their home of 25 years

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