Category Archives: Aged care costs

Hotel-like extra services in aged care

Hotels and aged care homes generally have little in common, although increasingly similar services are emerging in both – including higher standards of accommodation, food and entertainment.As at June 2017, about 230 aged care homes had special government approval to offer extra services and were charging more for about 7500 rooms accordingly. The increased cost for these

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Home care pricing to be published

Home care providers have until the end of November to publish pricing information relating to the services they offer, including any administration and case management fees. But it will be a further six months before full transparency and information comparing pricing will be available on the government’s My Aged Care website. In a move not unlike

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How to help kids financially without severely impacting your own savings

Family gatherings at this time of year may trigger talk of early inheritance or financial assistance with upcoming expenses. But, as they say on the airlines; fit your own life vest before assisting others. It doesn’t matter whether additional funds are needed to pay for living expenses, school fees or holidays; take the time to

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Five ways to fund aged care

  Placing a parent in an aged care facility can be a distressing time for families. It is not a pleasant experience financially either. Since the federal government introduced aged care reforms in July 2014, collectively families have been forced to find an extra $3 billion a year to move an elderly relative into an

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Residential aged care for pensioners

The government will subsidise aged care for elderly people with low means June Daley*, 93, shared her home with her daughter Marjorie, 66, for 15 years before she moved into residential aged care. The aged pensioner had savings of about $80,000 but nowhere near the $300,000 refundable accommodation deposit her preferred care home was asking. Marjorie

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Inside aged care facilities

You’ve seen the brochures and driven past the building; but the only way to really know whether an aged care facility might be the right one for you is to look inside. First impressions count for a lot but it is also important to get an understanding of how they operate to know whether it

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Home Vs residential care

Would you or your ageing parents, given the choice, prefer to grow old at home rather than moving into residential aged care? Whether it’s complex nursing, palliative care or help with daily chores that’s needed, leaving home is no longer always necessary for those requiring assistance. Not only are there growing numbers of government-subsidised home-care

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The cost of aged care

The accommodation component of aged care is no small amount. Accommodation prices currently published by providers on the government website My Aged Care range between $50,000 and $2,000,000, with an average price of $359,000. The RAD is the lump sum payment which can charged by a facility. Those that can afford it will pay what

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