Category Archives: Uncategorised

Respite: Everyone needs a break

Everyone needs a break. The peak holiday period may have come and gone, but if part or most of that time was spent supporting or hosting elderly parents or loved ones in need, then chances are it wasn’t totally relaxing. If you are a full-time carer, it’s even more important to get some proper downtime.

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When greedy family members diminish quality of life

The attitude people have towards mum’s or dad’s money can get in the way of older Australians receiving the care they need in their last years. Family members may say they are happy to throw whatever resources they have to keep loved ones at home or in the aged care home of their choice. But

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How partners lose out in aged care move

For many self-funded retirees who have never interacted with Centrelink, a move into aged care is the point where they learn ‘what’s yours is mine’ and vice versa. It’s a tough time to be entering residential aged care, but for some people there is little or no choice. Caring for someone at home 24/7 under

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How carers can get government help for free

Looking after a family member or friend and need time off for you or them? A national network can assist. Back in the day when we could travel freely, I had booked and paid for a weekend getaway interstate. My mother was recovering from a routine operation in hospital and doing well. She was doing

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What aged care could look like

Canberra’s first independent dementia home is just months away from opening but owner Rodney Jilek is already thinking about replicating the idea elsewhere. The not-for-profit cottage-style residential aged care option will accommodate up to six “guests” at a time. There will be a house manager, two carers and a registered nurse. It will operate alongside a day

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The growing case for self managing home care

Self-management is emerging as an important and sometimes only option, to deliver aged care under the myriad reforms to the sector introduced since 2013. Bob Campbell was grateful when, after a 12-month wait, he was assigned an interim level one home care package. The 89-year-old had received approval for a level two home care package

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Choose your attorney with care

Give careful thought to who acts on your behalf when you can no longer make your own decisions as even your children may not put your needs first. When Catherine Dawson objected strongly to going into residential aged care, her adult children looked immediately to enact the enduring power of attorney on which they were signatories. After

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Expect to pay if you are going to stay at home

A record number of older Australians are receiving Government subsidised care in their own home. However a major shortage in the number of home care packages, together with growing care needs, means more people can expect to use their own assets to pay for the care they need if they want to stay put longer.

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CHSP Vs Home Care Package

Given the choice between paying $10 a week or $72 for someone to clean for an hour, it is not surprising that most people choose the cheaper option – even if they can afford to pay more. This is one possible cost difference between getting help via the Commonwealth Home Support Program and the Home

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Home Care Package Changes: More choice for elderly

Consumers are used to shopping around for the best electricity and phone deals. Now people who receive aged-care services in their home will be able to do the same. Recipients have a far greater control over which provider delivers the services they need, in a manner they are happy with, cost effectively. Under Increasing Choice in Home

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