Evaluate Your Aged Care Options

Do you need help evaluating your aged-care options?


The aged-care dilemma

The decision about whether it is time to seek aged-care assistance is always a difficult one. No one wants to admit that they can no longer manage on their own. In the same way, it isn’t easy to tell someone you care about that the time has come to move into residential aged care.

After all, who wants to feel like they are bundling their loved one off to an old folks’ home?

Do you need someone to help evaluate your situation?

There are many factors that come into assessing whether someone might need to move into residential aged-care. At Third Age Matters, we can help you start the process to provide an objective analysis of the situation, and help you decide whether it is feasible for you, or someone you care about, to continue living alone.

Would you like to talk about your options with someone who understands the aged-care system?

If it seems the time has come that aged-care assistance is necessary, you might want to talk someone about your options:

  • You may need some help to continue living at home (a home care package).
  • You may be considering moving in with a family member.
  • You may just need respite care (short-term care) or transition care (an intermediate short-term home care service).
  • In some cases, it may be that a facility close to family and friends is the best solution.
  • You may want to consider entering a facility that provides higher standards of accommodation, food and services for an additional daily fee.
  • Finally, it may be necessary to locate a facility that offers specialist care (for example, dementia care).

Making an informed decision

The most important thing is to make an informed decision.

This is where we can help:

  • First, it often helps to discuss things with someone who is more objective, and familiar with the issues associated with each option.
  • Second, you can talk to someone who knows the aged-care system and has local knowledge of the various options available.
  • Third, we may be able to come up with a solution that you haven’t considered that is better for your situation.

Do you need assistance in finding the right aged-care solution for your particular situation? Are you interested in a more personalised service? Would you like to chat about your options with someone understands the aged-care system? If so, call Bina on +61 (0)418 651 330.